Halfway up the stairs...

....is the stair where I sit.
There isn't any other stair quite like it.

This is one of the only places in the house where we can get proper internet; a mobile hotspot from a phone balanced on a windowsill. It's halfway up the stairs leading to Sarah and Luke's bedrooms. Sarah is often to be found here. Luke had come out of his room and was being nice to her - she was stung by a bee yesterday and her hand is still itchy and swollen.

I had just spent an hour on the phone to EE trying to sort out Luke's phone contract. I think I should have got a reduced rate since I can only get reception on the front doorstep. 

I had my hair done this morning (a twice yearly event) and while I feel like Wonder Woman when I have cycled into town, the sweaty, red-faced look is not the best one for arriving at the hairdresser's. And now after an hour in the doorstep drizzle, I definitely don't look glamorous. 

Ah well...back to college tomorrow.

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