Family Friday

Friday is becoming visiting day for me at my sisters. It's perfect, as I finish work at lunch and she only lives around the corner so I'm there in 2 minutes.

She needed to go out when I got there today, so asked me to keep an eye on the kids, which was easy as they were both napping!

Theo was full of beans when he woke up; mummy and daddy let him run me ragged it gave them a break. We had to 'boing' on the bed, then he said I had to sleep and tucked me in when I lay down (so cute!). He then sat on me singing 'horsey, horsey' which resulted in me giving him piggy back rides round the house.

We also played football in the garden and I got a proper soaking from his water pistol which he found hilarious!

He also wanted me to get his book. I got him a Gruffalo noisy book (it has sounds at the side and you press various ones as you read the story).
Theo now associates this book with me; hopefully because he remembers I got it him and not because I look like a monster and asks me to get it from the bookshelf when I go round to visit. We've still not read it all the way through, as he's too fidgety for that.

Theia, on the other hand was much quieter. She slept for a good while, then needed feeding when she woke. She's becoming more alert now and you can see her eyes focussing on things more than before.

I've suggested next Friday that we have a trip out. There's a place in town that sounds perfect for Theo; it's called 'the art garden' and they organise messy play activities.
Basically, we just need to take Theo in his vest and nappy and he can play in tubs of jelly, porridge, flour and various other things, create as much mess as he wants, then we take him home and let them clean up the mess. Sounds right up his street!

Today's blip is Theo reading his book :-)

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