at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Adopted big sister cuddle

We refer to rowan as ivys adopted big sister, so by extension she must also be briar and willows.

It was just me and briar today really. Euan had willow in rainforest for a scan to locate her hiding kidney - that looks like it's actually non existent which is good. Ivy was with jenny and then kirsten. Louise the health visor and I tackled the 70 page long torturous form that is DLA application. Took. All. Day!

In the evening I got my hair cut and came back to take briar with me to a talk by the artist dave mach. I hadn't realised he was responsible for more of the really memorable sculptures / instillation I've seen. Like one of bears and chainsaws I saw in GOMA.

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