at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Just peachy

Another photo of Ivy eating fruit I know, but this is because a) she spends alot of the day eating fruit and b)It's the best way to get a photo of her being still.... Flat peaches apparently fit very well in her hands and she managed to get a fair way through the peach without it being peeled or cut up for her.

In this photo you can see her hair that's growing in nicely now (and was all messed up from a hat). She's also dressed totally in clothes I made her- the top I finished for her last night. I think it may be the comfiest looking garment ever created (I fully intend to make one for myself), it's super super soft and warm- the leather elbow patches were added purely for Euan and I's amusement. She used the pockets to stash a bath toy. The leggings are a result of about 8 protype pairs whilst I mastered a pattern that would fit over ivy's big bum and fit her tiny waist, finally cracked them with this pair. They were made out of a 30cm remenant though, so there's a patchwork of extra seams where I pieced fabric together. I will admit she's had them on for the past 3 days straight as I love them so much, but I finally put them in the wash today...

Another good napping day from Ivy. This morning at 6am she was awake but wasn't looking to play and clearly was upset she wasn't asleep. She went back to sleep on Euan's shoulder before getting up to play with him and then falling asleep in his arms before 8.30.

We went for a walk to the allotment this morning and found a green courgette i'd failed to spot in my plot and was a fair size. I owe a courgette to a couple of brought us some manure, so Euan took it to school to give to their daughter. I put Ivy into our woven wrap for a change, made up a carry and it was suprisingly comfortable.

Whilst she had her afternoon nap I cleaned the house and when she woke up we did some laundry together (pointing Ivy in the direction of the tumbledrier and showing her a box to put the dry clothes in- it takes more time, but she seems to enjoy it) but by 3.30 the house was mostly tidy and I was a little bored, so we went to the library. Ivy had fun taking books of the bookshelves, getting very excited when Euan appeared for a bit and lounging about on the floor cushions (she does a fair bit of lounging these days, I need to try and get a picture of her leaning on our living room beanbag) Brought her home some new books for reading.

She (finally) copied the sign for 'more' at dinner time. So tomorrow i'm going to work out clarifying the meaning of it with her. It's been a while since we've worked on a sensible sign, my latest ones I've taught her are 'ET' (she touches my finger with hers) and 'hi 5'. Today I was trying to teach her to sign 'I-V' by putting her hands over her head and extending them- she found it very funny.

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