Lali's World

By Lali


These were the cast of a show called "Tribe". The girl in the photo was really nice and told me all about the show, which I thought sounded interesting. However, as I was working all day and today it was their last performance, I didn't get a chance to go and see it. The description of the show goes as follows:

"As tribal whispers bleed through the cracks in Ru's life, he finds himself being dragged deep into an ancient rainforest. Only when he is face to face with his tribe will he begin to unlock the truth."

Colour version in the extras.

Work was very busy today and I was low in energy levels. Maybe it has to do with the ibuprofen I've been taking on a daily basis for my Achilles tendonitis, or maybe I'm just generally tired and need a holiday!

After work I went for a drink with my working colleagues and then headed home.

Back to work tomorrow :(

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars! I'll try and catch up with all of you as soon as I can.

I hope you all had a good day an enjoy your weekend! :)

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