Edinburgh sunset

Hello, blip people.  As you know, I have taken over this journal from Swannie and one of my rules is that the blip should be about me.  It's Friday and I thought that as the schools get out early, I would get plenty of attention this afternoon, but she went off to see her Dad straight after work.  When she eventually came home, after stopping to take this shot of the sunset over Edinburgh, we all had something to eat then the camera appeared.

I decided to go off in the huff in return for being left with just the big cats for company and I went out the cat flap and hid until she went to bed.  Unfortunately, this means that you don't get to see me today so I will let Swannie put up her sunset shot, not as good as a shot of me but, it'll do!

Keep living the dream, lots of love, Daisy x

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