C'mon, gis a kiss..................

These two pink and grey galahs were doing some serious courting and nesting. They are standing at the entrance to their nest hollow, high up in the tree.  I love them. They remind me of some people really :)

Re the Lightroom saga - another day watching videos and tutorials (thanks for the help DonnaWanna, Chrysanthemum and Marlieske . 
So, I successfully exported a couple of jpegs, (the galah image is one, found the folder they were hiding in and all was wonderful. Then I tried to do the same to another couple of images and now I keep getting the message that the export was unsuccessful because of not enough memory!! I have heaps on the hard drive and 150GB in the "cloud".................................HELP!!!
(Edit: Dr Google has helped. Export from Library not Develop seemed to work) Hooray!!!! :)

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