Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2015 Saturday -- John & Dede

Our daughter drove here early yesterday in my car. She has access to my car because she is living at our home in southern California (she moved into our home the end of June, just as we were headed to California's Central Coast for the summer). Our son-in-law drove up later yesterday after some important meetings at work were finished.

They were here to help move furniture at our little beach shack. We are clearing out the upstairs living quarters to do a complete remodel. So our bed, chest of drawers, and night stand are now in the itty-bitty guest room downstairs. During Phase One of construction the itty-bitty guest room was remodeled and a bathroom added to it. So we now have a place to sleep when we are here during the second phase of construction.

John & Dede helped us move a number of other things too. Having them here REALLY helped us immensely.

After moving furniture downstairs -- some into the garage, some into a make-shift storage room, and some into the guest room -- we had nine dining room chairs that we loaded into two cars and drove to a fun little second-hand store call the "Good Flea," owned by a gal named Lesley. We had purchased furniture there when we first bought this beach shack, so it felt good to take it back to her. She tried to give Mr. Fun $80.00 for the chairs and he said, "Absolutely not."

Then we took our kids to lunch and we all came back to the house, and then they headed back to SoCal in John's car. The two of them have been apart for 3 years. They haven't filed for divorce and their relationship stays on a fairly friendly relationship. So we continue to pray that they would allow God to heal their marriage. They have two adult chrildren, Ashly and Emerson.

This has been a very good day.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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