
By OzGeoff


Yesterday Sydney's newest park was opened.  Named after the first aboriginal women to have contact with white settlers, Barangaroo is an area of 22 ha (around 55 acres) and is adjacent to the city.  

"The foreshore was created using 7600 sandstone blocks reclaimed from the site, each numbered and placed in their exact position. Tidal rock pools have formed in some parts and a new cove was created to allow small craft to come ashore. The 1836 wall follows the harbour edge as shown on an 1836 survey map.

They have "brought back a broad range of vegetation native to a Sydney Harbour headland. It’s a diverse mix of 84 species selected to suit various microclimates on the site depending on topography, soil type and aspect. More than 76,000 plants have been installed, from semi-mature trees to native grasses. Even the couch grass of the lawns is a native plant."  Quoted details form the Australian newspaper.

It wasn't an ideal day for photographs but the rain held off until we were heading home.

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