Hannah and Naya

A 'new' breed and two new dog friends for Tara and I. Hannah and Naya are Bull Terriers, 4 and 5 months old respectively. I've only seen this breed of dog in books and of course online. I suspect that my friends across the pond are familiar with them though. These two wonderful pups had a fine time playing with the other dogs and Naya is an eager swimmer, retrieving balls and sticks for her mom. After reading up on this interesting breed I discovered that they have the only triangular eyes in the dog world. Their mom told me that they will probably weigh in at around 80lbs each (36.29k) when fully grown. She followed up that bit of info with a comment about a 'miniature' version...hmmm! So Hannah and Naya are today's 'Cuties at the Dog Park'. I couldn't resist posting another photo of each in my 'extras' :) Wishing you all a wonderful week! 

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