I'm Waiting......

This is Osiris, Miss O as we lovingly call her, my kitty-sitting charge for a few days.   She's waiting by the sliding door in her master's bedroom for the reappearance of an interloper who invaded her family's space a couple nights ago.  True to her position as protector of her family she sounded the alarm when, in the middle of the night, she detected a creature of some sort with evil intent out on her deck.  Such a howling and caterwauling had seldom been heard and it galvanized her Master to leap out of bed to investigate at which moment she attacked his leg in the ensuing confusion.  Blood was drawn. apologies were meowed, wounds were dressed and all was forgiven. The intruder left, no doubt vowing never to return.  From the look on Miss O's face I'd say whatever it was (raccoon, cat, etc.) got the message and is several counties away by now.  

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