YO, Listen Up!

I am going to stay up in this &%!# tree making weird squirrel noises until somebody moves that enormous cat. I wonder if she can move fast enough to beat me to the peanuts. Should I try? I don't know......she's a cat and she's HUGE! Why is she just lying there? Somebody call the Fire Department -- maybe they can move her. Why doesn’t she go do something? I need a peanut!

For anyone still interested in the saga of Sidney the mouse, an update: I finally got around to moving the bookcase he was hiding under when Lizzie brought him in the house and dropped him last week. I expected at worst to find his little body, at best just some nuts from the squirrel food I keep nearby. I found the nuts, two dead spiders, one live spider and a few little gifts from Sidney but no mouse. I hoped he was able to escape to the outside world and apparently he has. I tried to make it as easy for him as possible by leaving the window open where he was last seen climbing the curtain. I really didn’t want a mouse living in my house, so I’m glad it worked out. He had his moment when Lizzie and I chased him through the house, I attempting to catch and release him, Lizzie attempting to catch and dismember him, something I didn’t want to watch.

I'll move the second bookcase tomorrow and hope for the same results, maybe minus the spider.

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