A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

On The Rocks

I have just returned from my last Spanish lesson for a while. 

I am now acquainted with the imperfect, pluperfect and conditional tenses and with about a hundred years of hard work, I should be able to get my head round which is which.

When I had returned (pluperfect) to the carpark at Playa Paraiso, I foolishly loosened (past historic) my grip on my book and notes. A gust of wind took the whole lot and scattered them (moronic participle) down the entire length, nearly to the chiringuito.

I would have left them (conditional), except I do not have everything electronically, so I painstakingly picked every single sheet up. Those that I could find anyway.

Now to put (infinitive) them in order again.

¡Bollocks (expletive)!

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