
I slept better last night and was actually woken up when the nurse came in at 7am. I was quite grumpy, probably because I'd been woken up, but also because I wanted to go home. I said that my hair needed washing and the nurse said she could arrange for someone to do that, so then I said that it would need drying too - to which she said they had a hairdryer.

I was sure they were going to tell me that I had to stay another day, but Mr Zammitt came to see me at 7.40am, checked my drain and said that I could go home after lunch. I was very happy, I can tell you! The nurse said they would remove the drain at 12pm but they wanted me to stay for a couple of hours afterwards to make sure there weren't any problems.

My very good friend Lorraine drove all the way from Northamptonshire today to visit me, with her daughter Emily. They set off just before 7am and arrived at 10.30am, so spent the morning with me and then took me home in the afternoon. Emily was excited to see the boys and they were very good with her as you can see. She's hoping for a puppy of her own, and while they were with me, I arranged for them to go and see some of Elaine's puppies next week.

Lorraine bought us an Indian takeaway and stayed until 7pm before setting off on their journey home. It was lovely to see them, and I really appreciate her driving all that way in one day.

As for me, the pain is starting to set in which is probably due to the anaesthetic wearing off, and I keep getting a sharp sensation down my arm, but I've got exercises to do again to help with this. It's not too bad, but I know that I'm going to have to take things easy and slowly. At the end of the day, I've now had two operations in the last 4 weeks.

I go back to see Mr Zammitt later this week to get my wounds checked, although he may not have the results back by then, we'll just have to wait and see.

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