Snaps in Switzerland

By Shoemum

Shoo, flies don't bother me !

It has been a nice Sunday today ,with lots of sun and actually no rain at all -we even managed a barbacue for dinner -woo hoo!
It will be a busy week with Justin off on his class de plein air ,the teenagers doing end of year exams and the mother in law off on a cruise -I have to drive her to Dover on thursday .Then Martin is off on the boat next weekend whilst i stay home with the teenagers and remaining dogs.
So today i have been busy washing and packing and generally catching up -not much time for blipping at all .
Time for an emergency blip ..
At the end of our drive is a road with a farm ,which has lovely ,sometimes noisy cows .And early evening they are always close to the fence near home ,so tonight I hoped they were there and PHEW ! ,they were .
I took loads ,but this is my favourite because of the light behind her and they way she is trying to fan away all those damn flies with her tail !!

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