Snaps in Switzerland

By Shoemum

Costume under construction.

Well we don't have too long left in school now ,so this week Justin's grade are having a medieval week which sounds great fun I thought.
Until he told me late last week that I had to make him a costume..Ok I thought some old sacking ,a piece of rope -sorted.
But then I found out they have to create a character and dress accordingly -did he pick a peasant -no a knight!Thanks!Oh and "here are the instructions on this powerpoint presentation -you can do it mum!"
My weekend has been spent pinning ,tacking and sewing -once I could work out the sewing machine donated by a friend!
Actually I have really enjoyed it and here is the outfit so far ..I need to add some buttons for the cape and some gold piping down the cape too ,but I am actually pretty chuffed with the result.
I will blip Justin in the full outfit later in the week ,complete with helmet ,sword and shield.
Happy monday all ..

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