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I feel like I've blipped these before, or they may be sitting in the large backblip pile waiting their turn. Anyway, they've been great value - a few seeds shoved in in spring and they've flowered gloriously with no care from me for months.
Busy day. Shopping and admin to do, then one of those tiresome but necessary maintenance jobs - weeding in front of the house. The gravel is not really laid thick enough to deter weeds, so I have bitten the bullet and scraped the gravel off, weeded, put down weedstop fabric and put the gravel back. Technically the recent re-division of outdoor tasks in our community means the other side of the front of our house is not my job, but I think I will do it anyway.
If my arms work tomorrow.
So TallGirl is re-inscribed successfully in school, and the admin staff there were helpless in the face of my firm logical stance on the envelope controversy. I think even TallGirl was impressed. Or relieved. It's hard to tell which one really.
I'm just relieved that my French still seems to largely work, after a long gap of not really using it.
Super sunny hot day today. Perfect from dawn till dusk.
And a nuthatch flew into the window and sat stunned on the ground for a few hours. We kept an eye out for cats, but after a little head-clearing rest it flew off.
After today's sharp return to manual labour, I think I need a little rest too.
Amusing interlude on the phone with Mr B tonight. Apropos of nothing much he said "I think we should get one of those automatic péage things that Lesley got. It would make things much easier. Would you mind? I'm sure we thought about it a few years ago, but I can't remember why we decided against it." Given his absolute refusal on this issue a few years ago ("No way. I'm not having people tracking my movements") this is an interesting turn around, which had TallGirl and I howling with laughter. He did at least have the grace to see the funny side too.
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