It's getting hot in here!

It's just totally rediculous that I have even had to consider lighting the fire in the middle of August! But I've done it. I'm roasting now!

I got cancelled again today, 50 miles into my journey so a bit of an unexpected day off, but because of this lousy weather I'm actually....dare I say it.....a bit bored!!!

I made a tonne of pizza dough last night ready for a friend who was coming over for dinner tonight but she's poorly so cancelled and Mr W has gone to collect his car from the garage (new brakes) then off to squash.

So I'm left watching The Professionals!!! But nothing wrong with a bit of Bodie and Doyle to relive a teenage crush! ! Yep, I had their poster on my bedroom wall!!!!

and I have just realised Doyle was called Ray!!!!! Same name add my husband. Fancy that! !!

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