No place like home

In bed, it feels lush..I want a shower too but that will have to wait till the morning.

Last night was pretty grim, huge storm of wind rain / rough sea made for a very unsettled Wom. He had milk around 2am but wouldn't / couldn't settle. Plonked him in our bed where he proceeded to go horizontal leaving me no space at all in the bed. Roused lee sufficiently to tell him and went to snuggle up with Munchie in her bed. She was having none if it, so ended up making myself a rather cosy den on the sofa, where I stayed until Munchie started poking me asking why I was asleep there and not in bed.

Packed up, paid up, ouchy! Checked out to discover some toad had scuffed Lee's car but left no details. That's both of our cars that have been damaged with no one owning up.

Went to see our friends who own a carnivorous plant nursery. Then onto cribbs. Spotted the three Shaun's. Exciting. Had Yo Sushi for lunch, also exciting.

Home by 3, washing on by 4.

Lovely few days away despite the appalling weather.

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