Before, during and after....

Not strictly a true title as I took no pictures as the needles went in, but.....
Pic 1 at docs waiting to be seen
Pic 2 on my lap, around midday, having cried solidly since 9am and Calpol administered
Pic 3 around 5pm when more Calpol was given
Pic 4 totally fed up at 6pm

Poor Wom has really suffered today. Last lot of jabs and an even bigger reaction to these than his first. He screamed and when I say screamed I mean really screamed for ten minutes after. Having to stay in the waiting area, with a screaming baby is no fun at all. The practise nurse came out after ten minutes and said in a very loud voice, some babies react very badly to jabs, I think yours may be one. I could have hugged her. Wom then cried all the way home and once home would only settle if I stood up with him. After crying solidly for over an hour he started whimpering so further Calpol was given. From our bad experiences the last two times we were advised to give him Calpol in the morning an hour before the appointment. Eventually he crashed on my lap. Lovely, but meant I was utterly trapped.

Collected Charlotte from nursery, Wom whimpered all the way there, whilst there and then all the way home. Charlotte found this very upsetting.

Third picture was taken when Charlotte said to me, mummy, wom looks sad!

Bath time, no smiles, no giggles, no splashes from little man tonight. Just formula (he's refusing mummy milk from a bottle but will have it direct?!?) and another dose of Calpol.

I hate giving his tiny body so much Calpol but he is obviously in distress, he's hot to touch and is not himself at all. He's asleep now so will see what the night brings.

In other news he slept through the night last night
Charlotte woke at 5:10 and sang songs to mrs cat until 5:45 when we brought her into our bed (very cute listening to this over the monitor)

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