Day 1

Two very happy wombats headed off from Wombat Hollow at just after 9.30 this morning in search of a great adventure.  What a wonderful ride it will be.  After three fairly hectic days of packing and preparing it was a strange feeling to be heading off into the "Wild Blue Yonder".  

Our aim is to have much shorter driving days than normal - we want to be able to really enjoy Australia and take time out to take the odd blip of course!!  My creative director was quick to point out the very meaningful sign that was sitting right in front of the "Mini Mo" when we stopped to take an image of the incredible Canola field.  WW100 - I think it was telling the Walking Wombats that we had a 100km to go to our destination!!  It was so incredibly beautiful driving through the countryside today.  There has been a lot of rain and the fields were almost iridescent green and gold.

We made it to West Wyalong tonight and I have a big favour to ask anyone who views today's blip.  Please make sure you look at the extra image that I've added.  Three years ago when CCN and I were driving home to Western Australia to see my Mum we stumbled onto the most amazing IGA supermarket in West Wyalong.  Now I have a confession to make, I have an absolute love, love of plastic containers and my extra photo is of the most amazing aisle of plastic containers I have ever seen.  I'm sure if you were to be honest there would be many blippers amongst us that share the same passion.  Once again I was photo bombed by the red rain coated tourist who was sent along to make sure I didn't go overboard with my purchases.
I couldn't wait to revisit the plastic container aisle and I've been plotting and planning the route to make sure we didn't bypass West Wyalong this time round.

Day 1.....West Wyalong.....358km's

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