One more sleep!!

Only one more sleep before we head off on the "Big Adventure".  In a couple of weeks CCN and I will be on the other side of Australia and I just can't wait.  This will be our biggest trek in our "MiniMo" Trakka Motorhome and we have spent the past three days packing for the trip.  We've just about ticked off everything on our checklist, so with any luck we'll be on the Great Western Highway early tomorrow morning.

The Camps Seven Book is a travellers bible and with over 3900 featured camp sites I don't think we'll have any trouble finding a safe haven for the night.  There is now a Camp7 App and a Wiki Camps App for our mobile phone and Ipad.  We still love to have the good old paper map as a back up though.

We are travelling to the west at the most wonderful time of the year.  The wildflowers should be at their absolute best and I'm hoping to give my macro lens a good workout over the next few week.  I really hope you enjoy our trip across Australia you're more than welcome to come along for the ride!!

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