
By TexMama


We bought a science kit at the craft store which had super bubble mixture and gloves so you can blow bubbles that can be tossed back and forth - No2 son and Sweetgirl had a lot of fun with it :0)

T, our painter friend has taken all the shelves, doors and drawers off my new cabinets and is spraying them at the cabinet makers workshop this morning...he said he will be back later to spray the cabinets and that "its going to be stinky" - so I think we will head to town and run some errands when he get's here.  I dug out a box fan for him to use while he's working...not quite sure how I'm going to arrange all the animals if I leave and he has doors open to the outside - I had better make a plan.
Hopefully I might have a painted cabinet blip by the weekend :0)

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