
By TexMama

Primed and stinky!

stinky is an understatement - eeuuw!  I have never smelt such stinkiness!!
the painter mixed the paint with some clear thinning liquid to help it spray better and finer ... or something like that :0) and it was sooooo smelly.
This is the primed (undercoated) cupboards...tomorrow he's going to be spraying on the actual paint.  He's going between my house, and R's workshop down the road where he is spraying the shelves, doors and draws...but I stopped by there this afternoon as he wanted me to check the colour and the shelves looked lovely.

taken with No1 son's gopro which gives a weird fish bowl look but get's a much wider view of the room.

a slightly crazy afternoon here...my neighbour texted me at 4:20 asking me to drive down to her house to meet her younger boys C & C from the bus (which arrives at 4:25), as her oldest and  his friend had been sprayed with venom from a water moccasin and the friend had a rash developing on  his arm and didn't feel good - yikes!
at the same time the painter was calling me asking me to swing by and look at the paint colour.  I got C & C off the bus and quickly ran over to meet the painter, then our other little friend A texted to see if he could come play as he'd seen me waiting for C & C, so we picked him up on the way back up the road to our house - and there I was with a very noisy house full...all 3 of the neighbour boys telling me their school day stories at the same time, (awww they're so cute)...poor guys they look so hot when they get off that bus, it takes them an hour to get home, it has no a/c and it's in the 90's...I'm so glad my kids don't have to deal with that....anyhow, everyone got a snack and a cold drink and they all vegged out on the couch with my kids playing games and watching youtube video's  :0)  ...I will miss these days when they're all grown up.

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