The Moon

Another day of doing nothing, with no visitors planned today, but then I got an unexpected visit from Elif and Coco.  I've done my exercises, but my arm is still quite painful with some of the moves, however I've got an appointment with my surgeon tomorrow morning so I'll mention it to him.  I also had a call from the Oncologist's secretary to make an appointment for me to go back to see him next week.  Hopefully we'll then have my treatment plan sorted.

And before you say it, I am resting but the doctor told me that I have to move around and do things - I just can't lift or carry anything for a while.

I didn't have anything to blip today, but I just went upstairs to close the curtains and spotted the moon.  So I nipped downstairs, got my camera and took this shot with the camera leaning against the window frame.

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