Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Hehe,it could be my fault!

It's raining again.

Does the universe have a design for each and every one of us? It is a concept that many faith systems depend on to explain away the inequities of life...nothing's is all in the big plan!

I have studied many ways of faith, and the lengths that people will go to so they don't feel so helpless and out of control are astounding. However, it does seem that patterns run through life, just as our search for the ever elusive Higgs/Boson continues so does our search for meaning, perhaps the same journey, different sides of the fence, same path though.

What would we do if we could effect the outcome of things by sheer will simply having a thought, the complexities of how it all fits together is far too much for us!

Yesterday I washed my car.... My lovely young neighbour said that if it rained it would be my fault....ooooops!
Hehe, it is a good job that I don't think that a) I am that powerful b) I don't believe in that kind of thing c) that by just saying it, it will happen!

So, change what you with what you can't and try to enjoy the ride.

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