Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds produce an oil which is perfect for making chips with.  Chips are delicious with a salad.  Beer as we know, is made from grain and is a refreshing drink to have with salad and chips.  Sometimes it is nice to put a wedge of lime into the neck of a bottle of beer, for a little extra tang.  All of these good things are on my table, and all of them come from the earth.

Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter collaborated on a sci-fi book called The Long Earth. 

I bought this book to take on holiday, and I didn't mean to start reading it already, but I'm nearly finished it.  I am already thinking about the sequel!

Sorry, not got much to say today.  Should have done ironing and preparing for the wedding next week, and the holiday the next week, but I couldn't be bothered.  So I did some housework and laundry, chatted to Mum on the phone, pulled a few weeds, and drank some coffee in the garden while reading.  

Oh well, there's always tomorrow.  Happy weekend dear blipmates, (including those who seem not to be blipping any more, and who are missed). 

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