Holiday happiness

Well it would have been nice to just set off on holiday this morning without worrying about work. Err not a chance. Had to pack the car up the night before as I was up early and getting ready for a new business meeting first.

Not any old new business meeting, mind. A dream client! Who has driven up to Manchester especially to see us! We are one of three agencies pitching but boy do we want this one.

Came out of the meeting to see Squidge waving excitedly at me in a car parked up outside. Then it was off we went. Quick change out of heels at Birch Services into jeans and flats. Then a speedy (thank goodness) drive up to the Yorkshire Dales.

Arrived a bit early as the cottage was still being cleaned so headed to the park which is literally next door and pretty wonderful. We've changed. It used to be about where the pub was, now we're excited about parks!?!

In in-laws arrived an hour later and after cuppas, we headed to the local pub for a chippy tea. And lovely it was too.

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