A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Desperate times

I could have taken a picture of a sleeping dog as she is conveniently nearby but as this is the actual only photo I have taken today why not use it. Today we headed to Westfield on many getting ourselves organised for the new school term missions and some of them we even achieved. The boy child is in the interesting position of moving to manly sizes of shoes and clothing but still wanting to wear stuff that doesn't make him look like he works in an office. With the help of a very helpful young man in Clarks I think we hit the right mark. This is the tag for a jacket for me to order online in the hope that an S or even perhaps an XS will fit the bill (boy).

School shoes for the girl bought, many many shoes for Carlos, and hopefully all the bag and stationery requirements a soon to be secondary school child requires.

Home for a restorative lunch, more post holiday sorting then Anna and I headed back to Westfield to watch Minions. The boys chose a football match instead. Some might say wisely, but I'm wondering if Anna now has some secret key to the universe. I can now put myself in the category of adults who almost instantly fell asleep as soon as the film started. I didn't even think I was that tired so I think there was some adult targeted subliminal sleep message.

And as a fabulous treat whilst I was busy snoozing my way through the Minions, in the car park minions of a different sort were transforming our car back to a brand new state of cleanliness. It's almost like the 1419 miles with a puppy never happened.

Lesley x

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