A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Happy Places

When Carl was unhappy at work over the last couple of years he would, literally, go to his happy place...and this is it. One of his client's offices on The Strand. We walked past it this evening on the way to the theatre to see The Importance of Being Earnest, with David Suchet as Lady Bracknell. The theatre is always a happy place for me and tonight was no exception - the production was lots of fun. And once Anna had got used to how the Victorian upper classes spoke she enjoyed all the farce.

Jackson didn't join us as evenings are still not his best time and he wanted to get a good night's sleep. I think he would have really enjoyed the play but I also think he made the right choice and I'm proud of how good he is at looking after himself. And he had a good day, with very almost making the walk to school, completing more of his homework and enjoying a lovely visit from some friends this afternoon.

And Anna had a good day at the last day of tennis camp.

A good Friday,
Lesley x

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