Today's Thoughts

By AApple


I was sitting on the swing in our backyard when I took this. It had been a long day, so I was thankful to have a quiet moment by myself. I love breathing in fresh air outdoors while enjoying bird calls, rustling leaves, and light breezes. While on the swing, I saw a hummingbird flit around in my neighbour's backyard. It was the second time this summer that I'd seen a hummingbird. Curiously, I had never seen any hummingbirds in my neighbourhood before this year, as (I think) I've mentioned in a previous post.

The clouds reminded me of waves. As they flowed slowly across the sky, I thought about how fast time went by this summer, and how, soon, another school year will start. This will be my last year of undergraduate studies before I attain my Bachelor's Degree. What will I be doing the same time next year? Change is exciting and scary at the same time. For now, I hope I can make the most of the time I have left before moving on to the next step.

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