Today's Thoughts

By AApple


My first Blipfoto Milestone! So exciting!!

I took this in the room I was in while waiting for a volunteer shift to start. Strings of paper cranes hung from the ceiling. In Japan, there is a widespread belief that folding 1000 paper cranes will grant the folder a wish. 1000 cranes are often given to others with the wish for good fortune, happiness, or recovery from an illness. It is wonderful that someone thought to make these for the children who come here. Gazing at the cranes lifted my spirits, and I certainly hope that they do the same for the children.

You can learn more about folding paper cranes and read an inspiring story of a young girl who folded them, here.

The shot I took came out a bit drab, so I tried using different filters and adjusting the exposure and contrast. I was happy with the initial result (included as the Extra Photo). The colours looked brighter and the photo exuded a more cheerful feeling. However, I noticed that the preview for the "Inverted" filter looked interesting, so I applied it. And voila: the shot of the day!

I really like it because it is reminiscent of a starry night sky, but more colourful. I also find it more mesmerizing than the Extra Photo. If the "Inverted" filter were applied on photos of people, the photos would look eerie, haha... But look how well the photo turned out in this case!

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