
A lazy start meant we missed the early rain & by mid morning it was looking much better. Pushka seems to struggle a little on the hills nowadays, so we thought we'd drive up towards Crosby Ravensworth and take her on a long gentle loop of the moors. We knew this would be a popular choice - when the car gets onto the Appleby road she usually starts to sing in the back - a sound that can't help but bring a smile and eventually laughter from anyone who hears it.
Our route was altered by a cross country horse event - as they trotted by they were all friendly - and whilst her hackles raised a little Pushka sat like a good girl and let them past.
Further along our loop we met these young fellows - they were curious at first but seemed spooked by the horses - so we were able to stop and grab a blip whilst they just stared at us.

After a fair bit of gardening I spent some boringly productive time on the pc, all my blip pics are now backed up and I'm half way through the words. I've ended up doing it a laboriously slow way - but I have both in a transferrable and reusable format, which is step one towards making a book of them, a nice project for the winter. Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions.

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