Autumn approaches

So it must mean
a) time for me to go back to red streaks in my hair
b) I am probably due for another surgery.

That is looking more likely.

I had my scan yesterday.  It was to investigate my kidneys and bladder, as a follow up to the infection that caused me to lose a lot of blood in my urine a few weeks back.

The sonographer was most unlike the sonographers that I have encountered before.  She went above and beyond the scope of her assignment.  I could see her pulling some puzzled faces and initially presumed that she was trying to figure out where a number of my internal organs had disappeared to.

She asked if she could do an additional, different type of scan - internal (say no more) because she thought she could see something on the remaining ovary that I have.  Upon investigation, she concluded that it was either a cyst or an endometrioma.  In her professional opinion, given my history with endometriosis, she felt it was highly likely to be an endometrioma (or 'chocolate cyst' - do not look them up if you have a weak stomach!).

She assured me that she was writing and emailing her report directly to the GP surgery straight away and, to be fair, in the time it took me to get dressed, she had already installed herself at the computer and was half way down a side of A4!

As is typical for me, I like to know what I am dealing with, so I have been investigating.  Medical journals, medical reports, NHS and other such organisations.  It seems my many symptoms are all consistent with an endometrioma.  Additionally, they can cause a significant immune system response, which might well be the cause of the high IgA level in my blood tests.

Unfortunately, if it IS an endometrioma, it is statistically speaking, highly likely that I will have extensive endometriosis growth throughout my pelvic/abdominal area.  

I am kicking myself that I didn't ask how big the growth was.  

SO, I am expecting the GP to ring and I am wondering whether that might mean that she contacts my consultant to see if my appointment (early October) could be brought forward. At least I know that by the time I see my consultant in October I will have information from my GP.

Doesn't help the current level of pain, but it DOES give me some possible reasons why the pain has been escalating so rapidly in the last month.  (Endometriomas can grow rapidly, as can endometriosis sites in the abdomen.)  It also makes me a little bit angry about the different surgeon who almost dismissed me out of hand last October when she found 'only a little bit, hardly enough to make a fuss about'.  I will be expressing that particular angst next month when I see my consultant.

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