Skip's Blips

By Skip


I guess I'm on a roll of dog unintentional series has developed this week. This morning I met Dudley and his owner in the park. I haven't seen a basset hound for a long time, so I couldn't resist asking the owner (a complete stranger to me, by the way) if Dudley would pose for the camera. I got this one good pose, and then Dudley decided that, with all the attention coming his way, he had a good chance of getting a belly rub if he turned belly up. It worked! He got his bit of a belly rub, and then we headed on down the trail in opposite directions. However, a little later, as I was finishing my walk and heading toward my car, I saw Dudley making up to two more strangers...and that became my third dog blip for this week. Dudley definitely knows how to get attention. What a dog!

The weather has turned! More wind and rain with the threat of cooler temperatures tomorrow. Guess our Indian summer is over here in Ohio. Enjoy the weekend blippers!

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