I saw WOL in the woods today. He must have escaped from the Hundred Acre Woods because there he was flitting across the path and settling on the tree limb in Chagrin River Park. He was spotted by my dog-walking friends, and when I saw them peering up into the trees, one said to me, "Isn't that an owl?" Much to my delight, it was. I'm sorry to say, but Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore (my favorite), and Christopher Robin were nowhere to be seen.

On the off-chance that you are not familiar with the Winnie-the-Pooh books by A.A. Milne, that's where I first met WOL, or OWL, if you prefer. Seeing him again today was a treat. It made a beautiful Autumn day even more special.

I hope your Saturday was special too. Goodnight, Blippers wherever you are!

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