Sublime to Ridiculous

A "bank holiday" in England. This means half Scotland is on holiday (those who work in banks, UK government, English based businesses) and the other half isn't.

I always have to choose. Will it be worthwhile? Will everyone I want to speak to be on holiday? What will the weather be like?

This time the decision was finalised by the weather forecast. Not promising. I worked (mostly).

As you've already guessed (from looking at the Blip) the forecast was wrong. Again. Well, almost. The rain arrived about 4pm. From the north. We never get rain out of the north. Snow of course, but not rain.

So the weather went from sublime to ridiculous.

The Blip is my favourite boat in Dysart Harbour. Beautiful lines. I seldom see her under sail.

The extra shot is a boat which was out of the water all last summer, and had weeds growing out of the deck by spring. She was put in the water when the Outlander filming took place - weeds thriving by then. So far as I'm aware she just lay at the quayside all summer but then today she was under way and off out into the Firth.

Sublime to ridiculous again. 

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