The devil is in the detail...

First job was to bring in a cow to calve her. Bit of a pull required,but alive and well.
One at a funeral today,the other carting wheat bales home, and the 2 herds speining hill lambs.
The drainers finishing off in the last field today. They have been here on and off all summer. Dread to think what the bill will be, but you can't do anything if the drains don't work.
Took grass seed down to the contractor for when it's dry enough to seed. Came home,put on the fert spreader and put fert on the ploughing before they work the ground. This avoids leaving wheel marks in the young grass seed.
Took over carting straw tonight ,but had to stop about 7pm as the heavens opened.
This is Tractor Tuesday's offering,the latest member of staff !

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