It's about the journey

A day spent travelling, lots of time with my own thoughts, in the hands of others, going with the flow.
I've spent a goodly while in recent years working on my mindfulness, often its been forced upon me by circumstance, but more & more it's becoming a touchstone, a base state to return to, a way of processing, well, life I suppose. I don't know if its the rolling of the years, or the forging fire of recent events, I doubt its the acquisition of wisdom, but I do know I'm better able to see the moments in a day now, to enjoy the journey for its sake and to embrace what's coming next.

I left the UK in torrential rain at Liverpool - I arrived at Geneva to much the same, at times in the transfer to St Gervais it was hard to see the road. But I'm in the Alps! I'm about to do the thing I love! I'm going to meet new people! & thats pretty cool.

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