Bahnhof zoo


Another day of thunderstorms, luckily indoors when it hit and five minutes later the voice of noah squealing ah tellt ye so as the gunmetal skies flashed periodic forks and sheets in a shadowland of the punctuated does become a world of shadows, buildings disappearing and reappearing in a succession of ebbs and flows, suddenly headlights upon rivered roads running swiftly, too swiftly shudders the memory of my knee as one handed tricksters clutching umbrellas and accelerators speed weaving between four wheelers and vanish in a spray of waves...waiting in vain for it to pass and the sudden unannounced nightfall offering ghostlike intrusions coloured by reappearing 101 from the window.. .later an earthquake came as dengue fever reached epidemic status to the south and anti rabies injections dropped to worrying levels...the dangers of English language news...

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