Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Walk on Pip

Pip calmly walking onto these very naughty Blackfaced sheep that heard me coming and headed off at a gallop the wrong direction. I sent Breagh after them and she got round one group but hadn't noticed the first lot. It took a lot of shouting (she was a good distance from me at this point) and persuasion to get her to leave this group and go for the next one. I eventually got her sent and started walking up as by this point they were all out of my sight. Eventually caught up with her and she had them stopped and held so we were able to bring them in. Once we were in close quarters with them I let Pip work them as its good practise for her flanking and walking on to them.

Previous to this Breagh had made a mistake whilst out of sight from me, the sheep I had sent her after she tried to bring back to me but on the other side of a knoll and the sheep took the opportunity to tank it the wrong way to evade being gathered. Husband was closer but was struggling as they had split into a few groups and each were heading in different directions so I sent Shaw over to him whilst I tried to catch up on foot. Shaw is the only one of my dogs that will work for my husband. By this time Breagh had realised her mistake and come back to me. Shaw ended up miles from me with my husband whilst I got one group in he was after the main lot. Anyway we did manage to get them in after a lot of running around. By the time Shaw came back to me she was exhausted she is certainly beginning to show her age a little more on the hill. Hoping tomorrows part will go better. Part of the problem is that we are covering a huge area with just husband and I and the owner in the buggy so usually when things are going wrong it is already a distance from you. Hopefully Breagh will be on better form tomorrow. I don't know about my dogs but it was exhausting today!

12c 11mph N sunshine and showers

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