The Hairy Busker.

I got talking to the Indian gentleman in the gym this morning, and what an amazing guy he is. He was a surgeon, and when he retired he could barely walk down the stairs, due to lack of exercise, and his work. He decided to do something about it, and now he is really fit.  He did tell me his name, but I am not sure how to pronounce it.  He goes to the spinning classes, and was telling me to give it a go. The classes last for 45 minutes, but not sure it's for me.  After we had finished an interesting talk, I saw Mike, and he was telling me all the latest gossip on Corrie. Two very different conversations, but two very nice gentlemen. When I eventually left, I walked up to the church, and saw the regulars, and had a cup of tea. I was hoping to blip the flowers from last weeks wedding, but they were removed directly after the service was over. After a good chat, I left and walked into town, and just outside the bank, I saw this busker, who looks very like Si King, from the Hairy Bikers, playing a descant recorder. I put some money in his collection box, and took some photos. See my extra photo. I then walked to the bus station, and caught the bus home.  I had only been in the house for  a minute, when J came home on his motorbike. We had a coffee ,and caught up on what we had seen and done. A very interesting morning. 

I decided to reverse the photos around as my  fan club prefered it that way.

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