Getting to the ladies

My friend saw her first kingfisher yesterday (at least twice) and today she was really on form.  We had only just arrived by the River Dene in Charlecote Park when she spotted their Kingfisher, flying under the bridge. 

A few minutes later, we all heard him and watched him head back up the River Avon. So - all of you who follow in Shakespeare's footsteps and poach in the park, just look out for the flash of blue.

My blip is of the other odd phenomenon we saw in their park today. It's nearing the rutting season and the bucks, who normally spend their days sedately in the East part of the Deer Park, decided, without warning, to head off to find the Does in the West Park, crossing the River Avon in eccentric formation.

We were quite a way away from this crazy exodus (hence a slight blur) but they were certainly on a mission !

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