My Day, My Life

By SixtySix66

You're Gorgeous

An early(ish) start to the day.

My Girl & I were heading to Berwick for a BIG speedway meeting!

Mrs blip was to join us later, she was getting the train down from Edinburgh and My Girls best friend and her parents were also driving down to join us.

According to local press, it was to be the highest profile event to take place at Berwick Bandits stadium in their 44yr history.

I think someone forgot to clear it with mother nature, as it'd been raining 'cats, dogs AND ELEPHANTS!' for what seemed like weeks.
And speedway tracks don't take too kindly to downpours.

There was meant to have been a 2hr practise session, to allow the participating riders the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the track. 

Tracks might look the same but looks can be deceptive.

However, due to the severity of the rain it was thought too risky to use the track (which had been partially covered to keep it dry) in case it jeopardised the actual meeting itself.

Eighteen riders from around the world and an almost full stadium of fans were hoping it was all systems go and luckily for all concerned, it was!

Although the going was tough, the tough got going. 

An anxious 1st heat completed, all 4 riders still astride their bikes, headed back to the pits. There followed a 15-20 minute delay as riders discussed the riding conditions and track staff worked feverishly to improve the track surface.

All praise to them for all of their hard work and efforts!

In amongst the proceedings there was an added touch of glamour for the watching eyes, 'The Coventry Crew Girls' event/promotion girls. Some tracks have their own girls, some call them 'brolly dollies' if ever brollies were needed, it was today!

Unfortunately the girls weren't equipped with brollies, just skimpy costumes (at least there wasn't much to get wet).

Mrs blip & My Girl weren't impressed at their inclusion and by the looks of it the girls weren't impressed with the weather!

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