at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Dreaded colds

Briar and willow have colds and we're both very warm and snuffly today. They were both very grumpy apart from magically calming 2 minutes before Euan got home from work to make it look like they been good as gold all day.

Didn't see much of Ivy today - Kirsten took her to see her pony in the morning and John came and took her out for lunch. She's currently got a cracking black eye emerging after her circus style balancing act at playgroup backfired yesterday, leaving her slightly concussed. She was hilarious at bed time though, we gave poppy dolly a bath and pjamas for bed, and during story time ivy suddenly relised that the leg of poppy dolly pjamas had got wet and said 'oh no! Poppy dolly did a pee pee in pjamas. Need new pjamas bottoms' and went off to get her changed. When I left her room she was 'reading' to poppy dolly in bed - which is very convincing as she knows all the words to lots of her books

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