Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


I'm sure its not just me, but these pests are so noisy in the mornings, eat all my bird food and frighten off the little ones.  I think this is a young magpie, it looks quite fluffy - although seems to be enjoying the morning sun as well on the bird table.

There seems to be so many roadworks around at the moment,  spending the journey trying to dodge them all!  If they are not putting in traffic lights, or changing roundabout to traffic light, they are re-surfacing roads.  Trials and tribulations of having a job that involves going out on visits (note to self, make sure I leave plenty of time for traffic issues rather than be late!).

My extra photo is my courgetti (I've got one of those spiralizers, so instead of having spaghetti, I have courgetti).


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