
Today is mid-term break and I had an appointment in Nelson, so I spent the morning with my sister and niece before it.  Spent money I didn't intend to spend - but a day in town is like that

After my appointment I drove over to Marahau and got here just in time to catch the last of the light.  Jasper and I had a lovely walk along the beach before setting up the van - which so far has consisted of turning the fridge on and putting stuff in it.

I have brought work away with me, but as I walked through Whitcoulls today (NZ bookshop chain) I spotted the second book in Robin Hobb's latest series.  So of course I had to buy it. I may not get a lot of work done as a result.  But the idea of a day in the van looking at a beach and reading a book has very pleasant vibes.

Ahh, long weekend are great.

My thanks to everyone who visited/commented/left stars yesterday.  Young Mister D'arcy is delightful, but a "5' celebration would have been better!

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