Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

But I've still got more space........

OK, packed and ready.  Amazingly despite the amount of equipment in the main bag I still seem to have space and weight allowance for more.  I think some discretion will be used, maybe leave some available in case there is something I want to bring back with me!

The conundrum of which camera(s) to take has also been resolved.  Yes, the Nikon is going, along with the main lenses, but I'm also taking the Olympus with an all round zoom and something a little wider, just in case. In about 30 hours we should have arrived in Montana, just outside Yellowstone National Park.  I've just worked out I will be travelling for about 23 hours, door to door!  It's at times like this I wish they'd hurry up and invent teleporters!

The weather in Yellowstone looks clear but cool (so a slight improvement on the UK!).  We will travel about 800 miles south during the fortnight and I expect temperatures to increase significantly until we reach Las Vegas for the return home.

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