Miracle never cease

By CeeCee

Proof she does sleep

Oh noooo not more cat pictures I hear you moan! There is a reason for my blip I assure you and then no more cat blips. For a while anyway. After yesterday morning's shenanigans and being rudely awoken for an early breakfast, I could not resist this blip. I once again could not sleep and looked at Gabriel and saw this image. You cannot help but go 'awwwww,' well I did anyway. I sleep with the light on, so she sleeps with her paw over her eyes. It makes me giggle whenever I see it.

The slightly mean part of me wanted to wake her up and ask her to make me a pot of tea as a pay back for me getting her breakfast yesterday. However, I had suspicions that she would not make a perfect pot :-) Now that's a story for the paper... 'Local teacher is woken in the morning by pot of tea made by her cat!'. And in the real world, I will be making my own an a few hours. Well we can all dream....

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