
Evanna was out to visit today. MAddy set her up with an email account and a Facebook account. Between them they decided she needed some photos for her profile. So out to the garden we went.

The day got very worrying after that though. We were all going to head into town and just as we were leaving Bootsy shot out from under Roz's car and got clipped by a car passing by and went tearing off over the road. The woman in the car stopped and was very concerned as she said she'd definetely felt the car hit him. We looked about and spotted him cowering under a car. When I went over to try and get him he went tearing out, looking terrified, climbed a six foot fence, stopped on top to look back at me then set off down the hill in the waste ground opposite at full pelt. We all went over there and called on him but no sign.

I ended up sending everyone else into town then alternating between sitting in the house with the door open and searching about in the waste ground. There were no signs of blood and when he was running he looked to be moving freely enough but I really hope he's ok, as he still isn't in.

I've back blipped yesterday now too.

Edit: He's home now but he'slooking very subdued, had some blood on his back leg, his stomach sucked right in and is walking strangely, paricularly up stairs. When Roz gets back I think contacting an emergency vet might be in order.

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